Personalized Medicine

The ISPOR Personalized Medicine Special Interest Group defines “personalized medicine” as «the use of genetic or other biomarker information to improve the safety, effectiveness, and health outcomes of patients via more efficiently targeted risk stratification, prevention, and tailored medication and treatment-management approaches».

Personalized medicine is based on pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics tests aimed at identifying “the right patient” in order to have a more precise intervention and leading to better health outcomes and higher costs. Therefore, it represents an opportunity and a challenge for pharmacoeconomics/health economic and outcomes research, which must consider new approaches to economic evaluations.

Aim of this book is to describe the role of pharmacoeconomics/health economic and outcomes research in the field of personalized medicine and to provide recommendations for clinical and economic evidence development, HTA, reimbursement, and market access.

This text is in the planning stage. If you are interested in authoring one or more chapters, please contact Laura Fascio Pecetto writing at

Table of contents