Information for Authors

What is this site?
- It is a platform for readers to freely access books of SEEd Medical Publishers
- It is a platform for authors to submit and, if accepted by peer reviewers, publish their book

What are the main features of these books?
- Medical topics
- Open access, which favors dissemination
- Single-blind peer review, which grants high-quality publications

Why I have to pay a fee?
You may take advantage from:
- Editorial work:
- First evaluation: when considering the editorial plan (pre-submission), is the book of interest for SEEd Medical Publishers (i.e. in the medicine fields, writing about evidence-based medicine)? Are there any missing chapters?)
- Assessment of internal consistency when considering the complete book: do the chapters follow a logical sequence? Are there any missing topics? Does the lexicon fit the readership?
- Plagiarism and other misconducts detection: manual detection and use of iThenticate® detection software, detection of fabrication, falsification, authorship and conflicts of interest misconducts
- Single-blind peer review management: search for the most suitable peer reviewers, documents exchange with peer reviewers and authors
- Editing of the proof: major mistakes and redundancy correction
- Graphic layout design
- Final proofreading
- Publication
- Wide dissemination, through open access
- Retention of copyright

And if I can’t afford the payment of the fee?
- You can apply for the waiver policy
- You can apply for a support for an open access publication at one of the bodies funding open access publication